Arantir: Asha uses all.
Ornella: What’s the matter, honey?
Arantir: Demons walk this land. Asha has commanded me to rid the world of demons! Therefore, we must! Asha uses all.
Ornella: You know, you probably could have helped out back when the demons invaded the Griffin Empire… or that time when that demon army ran through Irollan… or when…
Random Mage: Blah blah blah! Reveal Dark Messiah spoilers. You’ll be killed by a child. Blah blah!
Arantir: Despicable! Blasphemy! These wizards are worshiping demons! I hate demons! Let’s get a move on! Asha uses all.
Random Mage: You’ll never capture our city. We have erected a big energy barrier. It’s so powerful tha–
Arantir: Is that an underground passage I see? Asha indeed uses all.
Random Mage: D’oh!